- Murakami Shrine annual festivalOkuhidaAn annual grand festival is held at Murakami Shrine, the shrine of Okuhida’s local Shinto deity. This festival, which marks the arrival of spring in Okuhida-Onsengo, attracts many tourists.Date:10th May (Fixed each year) Event hours:From 12:00 * Times may change. Venve:"Murakami Shrine"at Sh…
- Yubana Festival, Ema Festival (5/15)OkuhidaThis is a festival held in thanks of the bounty of hot springs in the Hirayu-Onsen area. Prayer sticks with people’s wishes written on them are burned on the grounds of the Hirayu shrine and water brought from each of the hot springs is boiled in a giant pot. The priest sprinkles the hot water ove…
- Banryu Festival and Mountain Opening Festival on the Hida side of the Northern Japan Alps(5/10)OkuhidaOn the Hida side of the Northern Japan Alps, which lie within the Chubu Sangaku National Park, there is a mountain opening festival called "Banryu-sai (Banryu festival)" . This Banryu-sai festival is an annual event held to mark the arrival of spring in this snowy region. The purpose is to commemo…
- (日本語) 新穂高温泉 中尾夜桜ライトアップOkuhidaSorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.
- Open-air bath day (26th June)OkuhidaJune 26th of every year is designated "open-air spa day", on which certain of the abundant open-air baths within the Okuhida-Onsengo are made open to free use. This famous event is one reason why Okuhida-Onsengo is renowned as the "Kingdom of Open-air spa". By visiting the various specified open-air…
- Summer Festival in Fukuji-OnsenOkuhidaThis is a traditional summer event for the Fukuji Onsen Area. During the event period, there are nightly performances of the Hembetori lion dance, which has been designated as an intangible cultural heritage of the town. This dance is said to have originated with the Emperor Murakami, who once v…
- Sakura Festival in Tochio-OnsenOkuhidaThe cherry trees of Okuhida-Onsengo begin to blossom around the end of April each year. This is about 1 month later than in the flatlands. The cherry blossoms of Tochio-Onsen Horadani are especially beautiful. During the period of the cherry blossom festival, the paths lined with cherry trees and th…
- 【GW期間限定】頂の森 森のカウンター「森のCAFÉ」開催!Okuhida期間限定イベント『森のCAFÉ』を開催! 西穂高口駅外の頂の森「森のカウンター」にて、岐阜市に店を構える自家焙煎珈琲専門店『MURO’s COFFEE own roast(ムロズコーヒーオウンロースト)』と高 […]
- 【次晴登山部×名鉄ハイキング】次晴フェスタ in 新穂高&上高地2日間Okuhida2024年5月24日(土)出発限定 『次晴フェスタ in 新穂高&上高地2日間』開催! 登山愛好家でも知られる荻原次晴さんと一緒に北アルプスの麓で2日間過ごす特別なツアーを開催! さらに山岳ライターの小林千穂さんをゲスト […]
- 奥深いアウトドアの魅力を体感!『HIDA OUTDOOR FREAK #4(ヒダ アウトドア フリーク)』開催!!Okuhida新緑の新穂高ロープウェイがアウトドア一色に染まる! 「ヒダアウトドアフリーク #04」が4月26日(土)・27日(日)に開催決定! 昨年秋に開催された同イベントが今年は新緑の春に開催! 今回は広大な新穂高の […]
- 2025年度の星空観賞便についてOkuhida新穂高ロープウェイでは、期間限定で西穂高口駅屋上展望台および頂の森にて満天の星を観賞する 「星空観賞便」を運行していますが、この度、2025年度のスケジュールが決定しましたのでお知らせいたします。 【日 程 […]